
just let the love, love, love begin

Hello again, lovely blog readers! I will be of your full attention in just a week. It is finals week now and i'm 6 feet deep in Biology, Statistics, and Algebra lessons, you can't even imagine how much I have to study this week. I'm glad, though, that finishing the school year is no longer a possibility, but now an ability. Thank you so much for your amazing support. In preparation for my big blogging summer I have planned, I'm happy to announce that I am now open for free ad swaps! and anyone can have one too--whether you get 3 views a day or 3000. 

It's pretty simple, just send me any button from your blog (if you don't know how to make one, i'd be happy to make one for you) that's 250 pixels wide, with a maximum length of 200 pixels. Please include the size you'd like me to send you as well!

Email me at yanabananers@yahoo.com, and let's have a little chat. 


  1. Can I have an ad swap?

    I can't post the code here, but it's on the page here: http://rachelsgonevintage.blogspot.co.uk/p/faq.html
    My button is 250 wide, and just below 200 in height I think:)

    Can I have a button the same size as that roughly from your blog?

    Thanks, rachelsgonevintage.blogspot.co.uk <3 x

    1. of course! I'll send you one right away :) x


What's up, Ketchup? I read each and every one fo your comments, and I appreciate them always.