
The Liebster Award!

Hello everyone! I have been dying to answer one of these blogger awards, and I've finally been tagged! I've been tagged by two lovely girls (and bloggers) Rachel and Lily! here we go..

1. Share 11 things about yourself.
2. Answer the 11 questions that your tagger has given you.
3. Choose 11 fellow blogs to nominate. The nominees must have under 200 google friend connect followers and be told in a comment on their blog.
4. Think of 11 questions to ask the bloggers you have nominated.
5. Thank the person who nominated you and link back to their blog.

11 things about myself:
1. Daisies and Peonies are my favorite flowers.
2. I love travelling!
3. I am up for anything as long as it involves a lot of fun.
4. The YouTube sidebar is where I find most of my music. (you should try it--you have no idea how many amazing indie banda are out there!)
5. I am a closet One Direction fan.
6. I'm a sucker for 80's movies.
7. The best films are Audrey Hepburn films.
8. I sleep with a stuffed pug. Yes, I am aware that I am 14.
9. My favorite activity would probably be thrifting. Or dying, sewing, decorating my own clothes.
10. I love the ocean!
11. I cut my hair 4 inches shorter last month, and now it's back to it's old length. what is wrong with me

Let's start with Lily's questions:
1. What is your favorite thing to do on the weekend?
I love hanging out with my friends, or going grocery shopping with my mom. On saturdays, I make it a habit to watch a movie, new or old, so I never really run out of things to do.
2. What is your favorite time of the year?
Well, in the Philippines we only have two seasons--hot or hotter. I prefer hot.
3.What is your favorite makeup brand?
I don't wear much makeup because it isn't allowed in school. I'd say some real expensive brands if I had the money to actually buy them, but at the moment it's got to be MAC.
4. What do you want to be doing in 10 years time?
I want to be travelling. All over the world, to the little corners and nooks and crannies.
5. What is your goal on your blog, and how many followers do you aim on getting?
This blog is just a little space where I share my thoughts to my readers, and right now i've just got to see where this new blog-world will take me.
6. What is your favorite word?
I'd say tickle. It sounds cute.
7. Your favorite item of clothing?
My black quilted Mango bag. Goes with anything!
8. Your favorite item of makeup?
If this counts, my Maybelline Baby Lips or EOS Lib balms.
9. Your favorite clothing brand?
That I can afford? Topshop. Always, Topshop.
10. Your favorite place to buy Nail Varnish from?
VNC, or wherever they have OPI or china glaze.
11. Who is your style inspiration?
I looooooove how Vanessa Hudgens dresses.

and Rachel's questions:
1. What are you wearing right now?
My hollister pyjama shorts and a big T-shirt.
2. What is your favorite piece of jewelry that you own?
Omega watch. I'm not allowed to wear it every day though, it was drastically expensive.
3. Imagine you're in a world where you can't fail in anything, you can only succeed. What would be the one thing you'd do first?
I'd definitely try to become a celebrity somehow.
4. What's your favorite type of cake?
Banana cake! do pies count? because if they did, I would totally mention banana cream. mmmmmhhmmmm.
5. What was the last thing you bought?
Probably Milk Tea from the school's cafeteria.
6. What do you want most at the moment?
Summer! I've got a week left!
7. What is the best thing you have at the moment?
My friends, family, and anyone close to me. Oh, and my followers!
8. What will you be doing in 20 years?
Probably trying my hand at raising a family.
9. If you could change the world in one way, what would you change?
I would change the fact that there are people who really just don't care about the starving, lonely, and discriminated people. The world would be a better place with people who cared.
10. What's your favorite makeup brand?
11. What do your favorite pair of socks look like?
They have little umbrellas on them, with little raindrops too.

And the nominees for the Daisy Suns Liebster award are...

Barbora from A Bit Confusing
Tasha from Simply Serendipity
Daria from Minty Fox
Alyssa from Oh Bean
Emma Lee from In Real Life
Becky from A Dainty Fawn
Zalia from Zalia Stories

I know that wasn't much, but i'm pretty new to blogger and I don't have that many friends here yet! I hope to make new ones, meet new bloggers, and stumble upon new blogs as well. :)

and here are my 11 questions!

1. What would you do if you weren't blogging?
2. What do you look for in a blog?
3. If you could be anybody famous for a day, who would it be?
4. If you could meet anyone, dead or alive, who would it be?
5. If you could travel to any place in the universe, where would you go?
6. If you could choose anyone to marry, who would it be?
7. What is your favorite book?
8. Where id your favorite place to shop?
9. Where is the best place you've ever been to, and why?
10. Who is your favorite band?
11. Where do you get your music?

I hope you all enjoyed, I enjoyed answering and I really hope most of you can answer too! Thanks so much for tagging me again, Rachel and Lily! I love both your blogs.


  1. I miss doing this awards! ^_^

  2. This is so cute, so glad I nominated you:')

    -rachelsgonevintage.blogspot.co.uk xx

  3. awh well done for getting nominated!:) just followed your blog xx

  4. Hii Yana!!
    I´m soo happy you tagged me!!
    I wish I could visit Philiphines!! I think they are awesome!!! There are soo many wonderful people and I think everyone is soo different! I mean I guess everyone is te same in Europe. ahahaha

    Oh and I loved your answers!! I´m the same in soo many of them! Like I would love to become celerbity :D hahah and I have my plush toy but it´s dalmatian LOOOL :D and many more like the world problems of hunger and so...

    I ♥ long comments!!
    Sorry for annoying you!

    xx Barbora♥

    1. of coure you didn't annoy me! i love comments :)

      Thanks so much! you should totally visit, but make sure you bring a portable air conditioner, because right now it's 33 degrees out. haha!


What's up, Ketchup? I read each and every one fo your comments, and I appreciate them always.