
la luna

La Luna herself lighting the Alabang skies :)

It took me a while to realize how much I love where I live. It may be hot, sticky, and very uncomfortable, but just like in the photo above, it has it's moments. And those moments are beautiful. I was thinking that, when I'm older, if I ever decide to get a tattoo, I would get a sun and a moon, just like the ones my Mom draws and paints. Where there is darkness, the moon is the light. That's the wonder of God's creation. 

Do me a favor, look outside your window during sundown. Take a picture of the moon, in whatever position it may be. It doesn't have to be high quality or too close up, as long as you can see the moon. 

Don't you think it's beautiful how the moon let's the sun shine all throughout the day, and the sun lets the moon out at night? It's like they're sharing the privilege of showing people their beauty, and they're not being selfish. If only people were like that as well, then I doubt there would be much hurt left in the world, or hunger, or attention-seeking. 


  1. Thanks for your comment on my blog! Yes I would love to follow each other! Follw me via GFC? I'm following you now

  2. Beautiful picture! I like how oyu captured the moon's light here.

  3. What a stunning picture!

  4. Your blog is just SOO CUTEE<3
    Btw we've nominated you for the Liebster award!:)
    (link to the liebster post here) http://tawnyfawns.blogspot.co.uk/2013/05/liebster-award.html

  5. Honestly, I am so shocked I am just finding your blog! In LOVE!


  6. This picture is beautiful. What a lovely capture!



  7. this is a lovely ! love the photo!

    Myra x

    Alluring Style


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