
i get carried away

cap: Kylie Jenner's clothes make me sad.

Congratulations, Yana! you have successfully neglected this blog for 4 whole months. Ha ha.

I am very sorry to all of you who actually read this blog, especially to those who have been waiting for a post. Today, I had some free extra time and i finally decided to update. I know this is always my excuse, but sophomore year is really starting to get to me. Keeping up with studies while having a social life is actually harder than i thought it would be. I know i'm being pretty darn dramatic here, but if other people can do it, so can I. Hay buhay. (translation: oh, life)

So here you go. a quick inspiration post to celebrate the end of my 5-month hiatus. Also, the theme of this blog will gradually focus more on fashion and i'll be posting more ootds and tutorials and stuff like that, so stay tuned! lots of love xx


  1. So glad your back!!(:

  2. great to see you're back, i've missed reading your lovely blog! Also, those shoes in the third photo are to die for! have a lovely day xx



What's up, Ketchup? I read each and every one fo your comments, and I appreciate them always.