
Sweater Weather / My January Favorites

It's been really cold in Manila. I don't think it's been this cold in years. I wake up in the morning and put on socks, sweats, and a hoodie just to keep me warm while I get ready for school. Crazy weather for a tropical country, huh? 23 degrees celsius is a pretty big deal over here (that explains why i'm so freakin tan, ha ha). Anyways, i think it's time I did a favorites post on this blog. These are products and clothes and just general items that i absolutely loved in January, and will most probably continue to use throughout the year.

First off is this fuzzy gray sweater I use EVERY DAY from UNIQLO. I know that there aren't many branches of UNIQLO in other countries, but this is a Japanese brand and they have really nice thermal and winter stuff, and also basics like really comfy jeans and pajamas. I love it because it's just so soft and warm and it's pretty oversized, so I wear it with leggings.

I've also been loving these sunglasses from Cotton On. I find that they really protect my eyes, and they're pretty darn cute!

I got this makeup bag from Forever 21 in Japan, and I just thought it was so pretty and big enough to store all my makeup. I don't have a lot of makeup because i go to a private school that doesn't allow it, but I get to wear makeup on weekends going out with friends and on special occasions. The size is great because I can fit all of my makeup in it, which isn't a lot, so I have everything in one place. It's also great for travel because when I was packing to come back to manila from Japan, I just popped everything into this bag and threw it in my suitcase. Really convenient!

I first discovered clearasil when I went to Canada in the summer. I tend to break out in cold weather, and our summer is just in line with Canada's winter, so I broke out really bad. I haven't been using it since then because I have relatively clear skin, but i had to bring it out of hiding now because like I said, it's really cold in Manila nowadays.

Having really long hair, my hair tends to dry out at the ends especially in the cold weather. To prevent split ends, I apply a little bit of this Argan Oil from Bench FIX, which is a salon here in the Philippines.

I read a lot of books in January, but these three were the cream of the crop.

I loved Legend by Marie Lu because I have this thing for sotries and movies involving badass girls, especially when they're teenagers. The female lead, June, is a government agent at 15. I'd say that's pretty badass.

Moonglass by Jessi Kirby was such a good read. I think it touched me because I have so much in common with the main character because i'm in pretty much the same situation she is in now, having to leave her home and friends for her parents' benefit. It's just a light, cute and relateable story about a girl who is struggling to find out more about her dead mother.

Where'd You Go, Bernadette by Maria Semple was actually passed on to me by my mom. She enjoyed it as much as I did, because Bernadette is so quirky and funny and there are so many hilarious situations in this book, I ripped though it in 2 days.

So, that's all for my favorites of January! I hope you guys enjoy your Chinese New Year holiday just as much as I am, watching movies on my laptop and cuddling up in bed with hundreds of pillows and green tea cups.


  1. Can we please swap weather. Where I live 23 degrees celsius would be one of the hottest summer days!
    Its usually about 5-10 degrees.
    Love this post! Those sunglasses are adorable.


    1. woah, A hot summer day for us is at least 40 degrees celsius!

  2. hope this isnt offensive but why is your english so good? isnt english your second language or something?

    1. it isn't offensive at all! my mom is an artist and a writer and my dad owned a radio station. I guess I was just raised speaking english! :)

  3. thank you very much! so excited to see your new posts! :)


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