
summer tunes, vol. 1

It's April, and my last post was in early February...Yup, I think it's about time I brought this blog out of the backburner! Between then and now, I've finished my Sophomore year of High School, Attended my mom's wedding, and I've pretty much been hiding in one corner of my room listening to music and looking through fashion blogs. This summer has been pretty chill--so far, no big events (my mother's wedding aside), and nothing special. I spend most of my time between my house and the mall 15 minutes from my house, which is pretty much enclosed in a dome of SUMMER HEAT. 35 degrees all day, everyday? yup, that's a Philippine summer.

Straight to the point: it's been a while since my last playlist! I thought i'd put up some songs that I feel are perfect for the summertime. Enjoy! xo


  1. These are such summery songs, I'm so excited for summer! These make me miss summer 2013 >.<
    Eden from edenroses xx

  2. Thanks for the playlist, it's perfect for a day beside the pool or just an afternoon indoors.



What's up, Ketchup? I read each and every one fo your comments, and I appreciate them always.